Plaque and tartar buildup can accumulate on smiles of all ages, from kids to adults, and could lead to serious concerns with your oral health. But if you have this buildup removed regularly, this can safeguard your smile. In today’s blog, your Rochester, MN, dentist talks about how we protect smiles with a dental cleaning.
The Facts About Plaque and Tartar
When we eat and drink, particles of our food and from our beverages can often remain behind, trapped on or between the teeth. When certain harmful oral bacteria consume the particles of sugar and starch, this can elevate oral acidity and coat the teeth in plaque and tartar buildup. Unless removed, the buildup can then weaken and erode enamel to make tooth decay possible. The same layers could inflame the gums, so you’re more vulnerable to gingivitis and gum disease. Bad breath and teeth stains are common too. While brushing and flossing can limit how much plaque accumulates, only a professional dental cleaning every six months can remove the plaque and tartar completely.
The Procedure
A dental cleaning involves our team removing all plaque and tartar buildup from the surfaces of the teeth. We do so with an ultrasonic scaling device and a manual tool. We then thoroughly polish the teeth. The procedure only takes a short period, and we offer this as part of your six-month checkup visit. The procedure benefits people of all ages too, starting with kids as young as age two. If you haven’t scheduled one in several months, you can arrange a visit now so your family can receive a cleaning, and your kids don’t have to worry about missing school or falling behind. But what if you have warning signs of gingivitis or gum disease already? Then you may need a deep cleaning.
Scaling and Root Planing
A scaling and root planing, or a perio cleaning, can be used to help smiles with gingivitis or even the early stages of gum disease. We use the same tools, but now we remove the buildup from the teeth and the roots too. Doing so helps manage gum disease to protect your smile from worsening stages. The procedure could take one visit, or up to four, it all depends on the severity of the buildup. We polish your teeth beforehand to ensure they look bright and have a smoother surface that makes it difficult for plaque and tartar to accumulate.
Our team wants to help you manage the health, function, and beauty of your smile. If you would like to find out more about preventive dentistry for the whole family, or if you wish to book an appointment at our location, call Greenview Cosmetic And Family Dentistry in Rochester, MN at (507) 281-3659.