1801 Greenview Dr SW Suite 101, Rochester, MN 55902
CALL to schedule your appointment! (507) 281-3659

How Teeth Whitening Removes Unsightly Stains

rochester teeth whitening

When you notice your teeth have become stained, then you should consider professional teeth whitening. Our treatment can brighten your teeth by several shades, so you can smile without hesitation once again. In today’s blog, your Rochester, MN, dentist talks about our approach to professional teeth whitening with our custom trays and gel.

The Factors Behind Your Stained Teeth

Why do our teeth become stained in the first place? Understanding this can help you make choices that allow your newly whitened smile to stay bright for longer periods. For example, if you brush and floss daily and see us for cleanings every six months, this controls plaque and tartar buildup to keep your smile bright. Avoiding sugar and starch in your food also limits the severity of plaque and tartar buildup. You should avoid tobacco products as well, as cigarettes and other products stain your smile. Often, good oral hygiene habits can help your smile shine! But we can also remove your stains with professional teeth whitening, with an option you can use from home!

Our Trays and Gel

You first visit our office briefly so we can take impressions of your smile and use them to create a set of plastic trays, which are custom-made for your smile to ensure optimal results. We then send these trays home with you along with a powerful bleaching gel in the form of several plastic syringes. At home, you fill the trays with the gel and wear them for a set amount of time each day, usually about an hour. After doing this for one to two weeks, you could have a smile up to eight shades brighter, and this procedure also limits the risk of tooth sensitivity. The trays ensure saliva doesn’t dilute the gel‘s strength, and that the results are even across your smile. These are yours to keep, and any remaining gel can be used for touch-ups in the months to come.

Masking Permanent Teeth Stains

Our trays and gel can remove extrinsic teeth stains, the kind that form on the surfaces of our teeth, and minor intrinsic stains, which form beneath the enamel. But if you have major intrinsic staining, we could offer bonding or veneers to mask them and brighten your smile instantly. These same treatments also address ones with the shape of your teeth or with gaps between them. If you have any questions about teeth whitening or about any of our other cosmetic treatment options, then contact our team today to learn more.


You can have a bright smile that makes you feel confident with our cosmetic treatment options. Call Greenview Cosmetic And Family Dentistry in Rochester, MN at (507) 281-3659 to schedule your free consultation today.

Dedicated Team

Our team members are proud of the work they’ve done to help community members feel great about their smiles and oral health! With our experience and commitment to positive patient interactions, we can make services feel more comfortable and help you maintain a healthy, confident smile!

Dedicated Team

Our team members are proud of the work they’ve done to help community members feel great about their smiles and oral health! With our experience and commitment to positive patient interactions, we can make services feel more comfortable and help you maintain a healthy, confident smile!

Cosmetic Dentistry

What stands between you and your best smile? We provide cosmetic services that take on the problems that often hurt how people feel about the way they look. A complimentary consultation can help you understand how our care can benefit you!

Cosmetic Dentistry

What stands between you and your best smile? We provide cosmetic services that take on the problems that often hurt how people feel about the way they look. A complimentary consultation can help you understand how our care can benefit you!

Comfortable Care

Whether you schedule a routine evaluation or treatment for an active oral health matter, you should feel supported in the dentist’s chair. With experience, technology, and a dependable team, Greenview Cosmetic And Family Dentistry can help you enjoy your experience with oral health care!

Comfortable Care

Whether you schedule a routine evaluation or treatment for an active oral health matter, you should feel supported in the dentist’s chair. With experience, technology, and a dependable team, Greenview Cosmetic And Family Dentistry can help you enjoy your experience with oral health care!