When it comes to taking care of your oral hygiene, what steps do you take to keep your smile healthy? It’s important that you brush and floss at least twice a day to remove food particles and plaque from throughout the day. Although this is an important step, many people leave flossing out of their routines. This means that bacteria can stay trapped between your teeth and lead to plaque buildup along your gumline. The team at Greenview Dentistry in Rochester, MN, is here today to talk about how you can protect your gums from gingivitis.
Practice A Proper Daily Oral Hygiene Routine
The first step in keeping your smile happy and healthy is good at home care. You should brush and floss at least twice a day to get rid of food particles and bacteria that accumulates throughout the day. You can tell that your teeth have been properly brushed if they feel smooth and your breath feels fresh. Your diet plays a role in your oral health, too. Try to eat a well-balanced diet that consists of vegetables and fruit, and limit foods that are high in sugar and acidity.
Come In For Checkups Regularly
You should visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and examination. These checkups are important because your teeth can be cleaned by a professional, reducing the chances of developing cavities. During your visit, your dentist will also look for signs of decay, gingivitis, and more. Symptoms such as swollen, red, or bleeding gums after flossing could be a sign of gingivitis. Your dentist may be able to detect these signs earlier than you may be able to tell. It’s important that gum disease is caught as early as possible so that proper cleanings can be done to treat it. More advanced stages of periodontal disease cannot be reversed and will need to be managed with scheduled deep cleanings.
Schedule Deep Cleanings As Needed
If your dentist notices signs of gingivitis, you will need proper deep cleanings and an improved oral hygiene routine to help reverse the symptoms. Scaling is done to remove plaque buildup from on and around your gumline, and then root planing is performed to smooth your roots. These cleanings will need to be done every three months or more often if determined by your dentist. Without these deep cleanings, your symptoms of periodontal disease can be difficult to manage on your own. Unmanaged periodontitis can lead to your gums receding and tooth loss in serious cases.
Questions About Periodontal Care? Talk To Our Team
Greenview Dentistry in Rochester, MN, is here to help you maintain a healthy smile. To schedule gum care services with our team, call 507-281-3659 today.