Parents do so much for their kids, particularly during early childhood. As part of your efforts to care for them, you will have to help them protect their developing smiles from the kinds of oral health issues we face at every age. You can protect them by directly cleaning their teeth, by educating them on the importance of oral health care, and by providing healthy, balanced meals and snacks that include plenty of fruits and vegetables. While these efforts are certainly important, you should take advantage of professional oral health services to fully protect your kids. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we provide pediatric oral health care that protects kids, helps them grow comfortable with dental care, and even provides necessary treatments whenever problems arise.
Cavities Can Affect The Development Of Your Child’s Smile
Cavities that form in early childhood can have big consequences. Dental decay can cause a primary (baby) tooth to fall out earlier, which can negatively affect the eruption of an adult tooth. Untreated cavities can also lead to the spread of decay, which can affect the secondary (adult) teeth as well. Even if these issues are avoided, poor oral hygiene can lead to cavities that cause unwelcome discomfort.
Protecting Your Kids At Home
Each day, there are steps that you should take to make sure your child’s smile is healthy. Until they are old enough to do so on their own, you will be responsible for cleaning their teeth. Educating them on why this is important, and letting them develop a feel for these habits on their own, can help prepare them for when they can clean their smile without assistance. You can also provide helpful information on why good diet choices are important as you provide healthy meals and snacks. Remember that you do more than just directly assist them – you also set an example for them in the way you care for your own smile.
Scheduling Pediatric Dental Care On A Regular Basis
Just as adults should go in for regular dental exams on a consistent basis, children should have regular interactions with their dentist. At their initial visits, kids can enjoy gentle support and an easy introduction to oral health care. As they grow up, we can provide preventive services that are more in line with what adults enjoy. However, there are additional steps we can take to both educate them on smile care and create extra lines of defense against dental decay.
Talk To Your Rochester, MN Dentist About Scheduling Dental Care For Your Kids
Your kids deserve quality smile care – you can provide this at home, but make sure that they also enjoy it at the dentist’s office! Our practice has experience serving patients of all ages, and we can make sure that your children have lasting support. For more information, call Calcagno Cosmetic And Family Dentistry in Rochester, MN at (507) 281-3659.