When was the last time you visited the dentist for a dental cleaning? Between hectic schedules and family time, people often put off these crucial preventive visits. In addition, some are under the mistaken assumption that by brushing and flossing we don’t actually need to have our teeth cleaned. The truth, is, a cleaning helps […]
Time For Our Back-To-School Giveaway!
In just a few weeks, kids across the country will be returning to school. We know this time can be hectic, with the rush to gather up school supplies and get your children ready. But we definitely don’t want you to forget about their smiles! So, once again we’re offering a chance to a Target […]
Looking For A Solution To Misalignment?
If you’ve been looking for a solution to misalignment, but don’t want to rely on metal braces, then give us a call! We can actually address an uneven smile with a series of clear plastic aligners. Correcting uneven smiles not only improves your appearance, but can have a positive impact on your oral health as […]
How Do You Place Veneers?
We offer our patients an array of cosmetic treatments, from professional teeth whitening to Clear Aligner Systems clear aligners. Occasionally, we meet patients with multiple cosmetic concerns, such as issues with both the shade and shape of their teeth. In these situations, we have a special cosmetic treatment that can completely transform the smile: porcelain […]
What Does A Toothache Mean?
Occasionally, our teeth develop aches and can hurt. The pain can begin as a minor irritant, but progress into serious discomfort that impacts quality of life. What does a toothache mean? Often, this is your body warning you about a developing issues that requires your dentist’s immediate attention! […]
Check Out Some Great Events In Rochester
Each week, we like to dedicate a blog to upcoming community events in Rochester. There is so much for families to do and enjoy in our city! In addition, don’t forget that we’re always available to help you achieve a healthier and more beautiful smile. […]
Did You Know We Have Expanded Office Hours?
We often find that our patients have very busy schedules. Between work, school, and family, there is little time to schedule a visit. In order to be available for our busy patients, we have expanded office hours! You can now schedule appointments in the evening or on the weekend. Don’t let your hectic schedule keep […]
How Do I Keep My Teeth Stain-Free?
A bright smile can be a great source of confidence, especially when meeting someone new or attending a job interview. However, after you have your teeth brightened with cosmetic dentistry, how do you keep them bright? What steps are necessary to help limit the severity of teeth stains? […]
Are You Flossing Correctly?
Last week, we took a look at the importance of brushing our teeth properly. Often, poor brushing can lead to a greater risk of tooth decay and gingivitis. The same goes for an even more important means of improving oral health: flossing. If you don’t floss properly, then you could be providing inadequate care for […]
Looking For Something To Do This Weekend?
Each week, we dedicate one blog to looking at community events in Rochester. There is so much for families to do and enjoy in our wonderful community! In addition, remember that we’re always here to see you and your family to discuss treatments and improving oral health. […]