Through the right approach to prosthetic treatment, a person who has lost teeth can regain better bite support, avoid future oral health issues, and feel renewed confidence in their smile. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we are ready to help patients who need to replace a missing tooth, and those who need to replace […]
Managing Your Family’s Oral Health
What does the “right” approach to oral health care really look like? There are certain aspects of dental treatment that are important for all patients, but there are meaningful ways in which kids and their parents can require different forms of support. Fortunately, our Rochester, MN dentist’s office is prepared to provide smile care to […]
Has Your Smile Care Routine Changed?
You may not realize it, but seemingly small changes in your smile care routine can have a big impact on your risk for oral health issues. You may have unknowingly left yourself at greater risk for tartar buildup because your daily hygiene efforts have become less effective. If you are no longer consistent about seeing […]
Making Your Teeth Whiter At Home
If you want to do something that will improve your smile, you may assume that you need to talk with your dentist about in-office treatment. Professional cosmetic services can certainly make exciting changes possible, but you can also discuss at-home teeth whitening at our Rochester, MN dentist’s office. When you do so, you can learn […]
Am I Doing Enough To Avoid Cavities?
If you want to keep your smile looking its best, you should focus on how you can effectively maintain a routine that keeps you safe from the threat of dental decay. A cavity will permanently harm your tooth structure. If it is not caught in time, you actually become vulnerable to an infection that can […]
Smile Care With Same-Day Crowns
When you think about the importance of both your smile and your oral health, it can be easy to see why the right treatment is so valuable when something is wrong. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we can use CEREC technology to make lifelike dental crowns in just one appointment. Because of this, we […]
Choosing Clear Aligner Systems Instead Of Metal Braces
The choice to fix problems with poor teeth spacing is one that leads to both cosmetic and oral health improvements. However, some individuals can worry that it also means choosing to wear conspicuous metal braces for a long period of time, something that can hold limited appeal. If you want to fix problems with your […]
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How Often Should Kids See The Dentist?
There are many questions parents can have about how they can make sure their young child is enjoying the right support. For questions about their oral health, our Rochester, MN dentist’s office is happy to help you find the right answers. Once they are old enough to start, we can welcome them for pediatric appointments […]
Trusting Veneers To Make Cosmetic Changes
For people who have doubts about their smile, it can be harder to project confidence and harder to make a good first impression in both social and professional situations. As you look into what cosmetic treatment can do to help you raise your confidence, you can find that results can take less time and effort […]
We Can Protect Teeth With Lifelike Fillings
Your Rochester, MN dentist can protect your smile in different ways. Through preventive services, your teeth are protected because your risk for cavities and gum disease will be reduced. At times when there are active problems to address, we can protect your smile by providing treatment that preserves the condition of your teeth as well […]