Losing teeth in adulthood is distressing for many of our patients. Tooth loss often leads to feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about your smile. In addition to the psychological impact tooth loss has on a patient, missing teeth presents oral health problems as well. Surrounding teeth near an empty tooth socket lack support and often shift into the space where the missing tooth was located. Additionally, patients may experience bone loss and difficulty masticating food.
Calcagno Cosmetic & Family Dentistry compassionately addresses tooth loss with innovative replacement methods. Until recently, patients had few options for replacing missing teeth. In most cases, bridges and dentures were used to address tooth loss. Fortunately, patients now have a permanent, natural looking alternative to dentures and bridges. Dental implants permanently replace missing teeth and provide optimal patient comfort.
Facts about Dental Implants
Durable and long lasting, dental implants act as natural teeth. They are strong enough to withstand the daily functions of chewing and grinding food. Anchored into the jawbone by a titanium rod, dental implants naturally fuse to jawbone where they are securely held in place. An artificial crown is then cemented to the titanium rod and functions as a natural tooth. Dental implants replace one or more missing teeth.
Benefits of Dental Implants
When compared to dentures, dental implants offer more stability and comfort. Unlike removable dentures that slide and move in the mouth, dental implants are strongly fixed in place. Dental implants are flossed and brushed like natural teeth while dentures are removed for cleaning. Furthermore, dental implants resemble and feel like natural teeth.
If you have experienced tooth loss, call on Dr. Gilly Calcagno to compassionately restore your smile. To discuss your tooth replacement options with our team, contact our Rochester dentist office at (507) 281-3659. We serve patients throughout Rochester, Red Wing, Farmington, Hastings, Winona, and the neighboring areas.