How should you respond to problems with the look of your smile? Unfortunately, some individuals will respond to problems with the way they look by feeling resigned to them. You might feel stuck with discoloration after an over the counter whitening treatment fails to make noticeable improvements. You could be bothered by a tooth that looks too small, or jagged, or affected by superficial damage. You could worry that wear and tear accumulated over the years has left you with a smile that just seems unhealthy, or makes you look old. These are all real concerns, but they can all be potentially addressed with the placement of porcelain veneers. Your Rochester, MN dentist can meet with you to discuss how custom veneers can help you transform your smile, and give you a big confidence boost!
Making A Plan To Dramatically Improve The Way You Look
Veneers are popular with many patients looking into cosmetic dental work, because they can address so many different problems. You can improve the color of your teeth, and their shape. While some patients rely on them to hide chips and cracks, others can be happy with the way they hide the effects of wear and tear. During a complimentary cosmetic consultation, your dentist can help you understand the benefits of having veneers placed.
What Else Can Cosmetic Dental Work Do For Your Smile?
Several different cosmetic dental procedures are available to you, with different types of work offering different advantages. If your only goal is to address discoloration that stems from stains in your enamel, you can make visible improvements with a professional whitening treatment, and leave your teeth structure unchanged. If you want results in less time, a dental bonding procedure can address the kind of problems veneers help remedy, but you can potentially complete a bonding procedure in just one appointment!
Calcagno Cosmetic And Family Dentistry Can Address Smile Concerns With Veneers
At Calcagno Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, patients who want to improve the way they look when they smile can be impressed with the benefits that come with receiving porcelain veneers. To schedule a consultation, please call (507) 281-3659. Dr. Gilly Calcagno and our staff welcome and serve patients from Rochester, MN, as well as Red Wing, St. Charles, Winona, Farmington, Austin, and all surrounding communities.