Like adults, children need to visit the dentist twice a year. Their checkup will include a cleaning and examination to help keep track of their oral health. If it has been a while since their last visit, or they need to come in for their very first appointment, your Rochester, MN, dental team is here to create a comfortable environment for your child.
Their Initial Visit
You can bring your little one in for their first dentist appointment around the age of one year old, or around the time their first baby teeth begin erupting. This can seem quite young, but these early visits can help your child feel more comfortable at later appointments. During their first visit, the dentist will thoroughly examine their smile to ensure their teeth and gums look healthy. If you have any questions about oral health care for your child, this visit is a great time to ask. The team may be able to give you tips to brush your little teeth and maintain their health. After this first visit, you can begin scheduling checkups every six months as they grow up.
At-Home Smile Care
In addition to visiting the dentist twice a year, you will also need to help your child with their oral hygiene routine at home. For young kids, you may need to brush them using a soft bristled toothbrush. Older kids can often struggle with proper brushing and flossing, but our team can give tips to make this more enjoyable. Doing this routine beside them and checking when they are done brushing can help make sure that they are following the proper steps. If your little one does not enjoy their daily hygiene routine, try playing a fun song or rewarding them when they are done.
Treating Cavities For Kids
Cavities are a very common problem for dental patients, especially among young children. This is in part due to the sugary snacks they may eat every day, as well as their fine motor skills not being fully developed yet, which makes brushing and flossing more difficult. If your little one does get a cavity, our team can help restore the tooth with a dental filling. The decay will be gently removed, and the area will be cleaned before stronger material is added in its place. Dental fillings should be done even on baby teeth to ensure that their oral health is in good shape. We may also offer additional treatments like fluoride and sealants to offer better protection from tooth decay.
Schedule An Appointment Today
Don’t forget to bring your little ones in for their cleaning and examination. To schedule an appointment with our Rochester, MN, dental team please call 507-281-3659.