When you reach for your toothbrush, or your floss, you are obviously about to take steps to protect your teeth. Do you think about your time at the dinner table as an opportunity to protect your smile, too? If you want to avoid problems with tooth decay, what you eat definitely matters. In addition to creating problems for your weight, and your overall health, a diet that is high in sugar can increase your risk for developing cavities. On the other hand, you can take care to protect your teeth when you enjoy meals that are low in sugar, and more nutrient-dense. Along with daily at-home care and regular dental exams with your Rochester, MN dentist’s office, your diet choices are important to your smile. That means selecting the right foods, but it can also be a matter of consuming more water each day.
Choose Meals That Are Lower In Sugar, And More Nutrient-Dense
Meals that are higher in nutrients and lower in sugar can be effective at helping your maintain the health of your enamel. While fresh vegetables are certainly healthy, you should also look at the benefits of dairy products and items that contain lean protein. Dairy contains calcium and protein, and – when you select healthier options – less sugar. Nutrients like calcium and fluoride can help you keep your enamel in good condition.
The drinks you serve at meal time also matter. Serving water offers you a calorie- and sugar-free beverage that helps you clear away oral bacteria. Beverages like soda, tea, and wine can create problems, and they can leave stains that make your smile appear discolored.
Your Snack Choices Can Also Affect Your Smile
When you take time to properly plan and prepare meals, you can find healthy options that appeal to everyone. You should consider giving more of your attention to your snack choices, too. Sending your kids to school with healthy snacks can help protect their teeth while they are away. You should also be mindful about your own snack habits, especially if you tend to rely on your office vending machine for food before or after lunch.
Calcagno Cosmetic And Family Dentistry Can Help You Protect Your Smile Against Cavities
At Calcagno Cosmetic and Family Dentistry, we are ready to help Rochester area residents who are concerned with the health and appearance of their teeth. To schedule a consultation, please call (507) 281-3659. Dr. Gilly Calcagno and our staff welcome patients from Rochester, MN, as well as Red Wing, St. Charles, Winona, Farmington, Austin, and all other nearby areas.