How soon do children need to start brushing their teeth? Do kids really need to brush as often as adults? These are both examples of common questions parents often ask. Your Rochester MN pediatric dentists, Dr. Gilly Calcagno and Dr. Kara Heimer, want to answer your questions and help you provide better dental care for […]
Vertical Fractures on Teeth: What to Do?
Craze lines sound like they could be some fun new dance craze sweeping the nation. Unfortunately, the reality of craze lines is not much of a party at all. These surface fractures on the enamel of your teeth may very well drive you crazy if you have them. The vertical lines can be particularly irritating […]
A New You in 2015, with Six Month Smiles
Before long, we’ll be ushering in 2015. But if you traveled back in time to any average middle school, say, 20 or 30 years ago, you’d be likely to witness a sea of adolescent tin grins. The process of keeping this unsightly, bulky metal on young teeth to straighten them out could last up to […]
Calcagno Cosmetic and Family Dentistry: Reader’s Choice in Rochester
Calcagno Cosmetic and Family Dentistry was pleased to be named the reader’s choice for best family dental office in the Post Bulletin. We will wear our 2014 title proudly, and strive in any way possible to hold on to the crown next year, and all of the years after. Why are we so determined? Because […]
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Questions You Should Be Asking About Your Toothache
Toothaches can mean many things to different people. What they all share in common, however, is that the sensitivity usually isn’t harmless, and if not addressed, it won’t likely go away on its own. Aside from “how do I find relief?” there are other questions you should ask about your toothache to determine how serious […]
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September and October Offer Events Galore in Minnesota
Fall is an exciting time for our dental team at Calcagno Cosmetic & Family Dentistry. We are full of pride over the accomplishments of our dental team members. We are pleased as punch that we were able to support a worthy cause recently. And finally, we’re excited to be spooked by another wonderful Halloween. Read […]
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Quiz: What are Single Day Crowns?
Occasionally, we have patients who break or fracture a tooth, usually when biting down on something hard or as a result of a sports accident. In addition, advanced tooth decay can leave a tooth weak and at risk of infection. To address these situations, a patient may require a dental crown. Dr. Calcagno and […]
Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Change your Smile
There are many options when it comes to correcting, restoring, or otherwise making over a smile that you’re not completely happy with. The level of someone’s needs can depend on what they’re born with, how well they take care of their oral health, and what types of injuries or issues have befallen them. Consulting with […]
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A Deeper Look at the Way Cavities Form
Cavity formation involves a process and multiple elements. Sugar is just one of those elements. The process of tooth decay would not be without Streptococcus mutans. These are gram positive, cocci shaped bacteria which feed on sugar and produce lactic acid. This mix of germs and lactic acid inside your mouth combines with food debris, […]
Quiz: What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Dr. Calcagno and Dr. Heimer understand the importance of a beautiful smile. Stained, uneven, or damaged teeth can hurt your appearance and cause embarrassment. To correct common esthetic problems, your Rochester dentists offer cosmetic dentistry. With cosmetic dentistry, you can enjoy a beautiful smile again. […]