As a parent, you have more than just your own smile to worry about, as your kids will need your support in several ways. This is especially true when they are little, as you will be responsible for directly brushing and flossing their teeth. Even as they grow older, you need to make sure that […]
Addressing Problems With A Chipped Tooth
If you chip your tooth, you can find yourself stuck with a visible flaw that you would prefer to hide. The right approach to hiding that flaw can vary. Some situations call for restorative dental work, as the enamel damage can put your tooth at serious risk. However, it is possible that you can move […]
How Parents Help Kids Avoid Cavities
Parents do so much for their kids, particularly during early childhood. As part of your efforts to care for them, you will have to help them protect their developing smiles from the kinds of oral health issues we face at every age. You can protect them by directly cleaning their teeth, by educating them on […]
Returning To Preventive Dental Care
What can happen if you spend too much time away from the dentist’s office? Problems that we can identify and treat in their early stages can worsen if you do not have your smile evaluated by a professional. By the time you realize that something is wrong, you can find that you need more involved […]
How Bonding Treatments Improve Smiles
When people express their interest in cosmetic dentistry, they can point out several concerns that they would like to address. What may surprise you is that with one procedure, it is often possible for us to resolve many different concerns and deliver exciting improvements. One option offered at our Rochester, MN dentist’s office is tooth […]
Sticking With Good Oral Hygiene Efforts
Are you currently free of cavity troubles? Will you remain safe from dental decay until your next routine oral health exam, and the one after that? To keep your smile healthy for the foreseeable future, you should have a dependable dental hygiene routine that you follow today. This means keeping up with smart brushing and […]
Preventive Visits And Periodontal Health
When you see your dentist for preventive care, you should expect more than just a review of your dental health. At your appointment, you can receive a beneficial cleaning as well as an evaluation that can alert you to any problems with your gums as well as your teeth. Preventive periodontal care can be more […]
Carefully Restoring Misshapen Teeth
There are many challenging dental flaws that our Rochester, MN dentist’s office can address. Sometimes, these flaws are a consequence of dental injury or poor oral health. However, patients sometimes come to us with concerns about naturally occurring flaws that they would like to address. A misshapen tooth can disrupt your smile and hurt its […]
How Teeth Cleanings Protect Your Smile
Are your teeth as clean as they should be? Are you as safe from cavities and gum disease as you feel you ought to be? If you take the right approach to smile care at home, you can lower your risk for problems that will call for oral health care in the future. To protect […]
How Can I Do More To Prevent Tooth Decay?
Patients are sometimes surprised to hear that they need treatment for tooth decay. In addition to overlooking any symptoms of a cavity, they can be surprised because they believed they had an effective preventive care routine in place. What can you do to improve your approach to fighting cavities if you already believe you have […]