If you want to enjoy a lifetime with a healthy, confident smile, make sure you take periodontal health seriously. People can sometimes overlook just how important it is to defend their gums against an infection. While gingivitis is reversible, infections that are not treated in time can become more severe. This can lead to more […]
Category: Gum Disease and Health
Routine Checkups And Periodontal Health
If you only concern yourself with the health of your teeth, you can overlook larger problems with your well-being. Fortunately, you can count on more than just feedback about your dental health during regular appointments, as our Rochester, MN dentist’s office provides comprehensive reviews. One matter of interest is your periodontal health. Preventing gum disease […]
Why You Should Worry About Gingivitis
There are real consequences to poor oral hygiene. What might surprise you is the long-term effects of problems that you may not take as seriously as you should. For example, did you know that problems with gum disease can progress to the point of increasing your risk for tooth loss and making you vulnerable to […]
When You Need Help With Gum Disease
The consistent dental exams and cleanings that you schedule protect you against cavities as well as other oral health threats, including the threat of gum disease. Problems with your periodontal health should be taken seriously. When you let an infection go untreated, there are several consequences that can impact your appearance and health, and you […]
Resolving Periodontal Health Troubles
Keeping your smile in great condition means taking good care of your gums as well as your teeth. When you fall short of the right approach to periodontal care, the consequences can be more serious than you realize. Over time, bacteria that build up on our teeth can accumulate on our roots to cause gingivitis, […]
Are You Properly Protecting Your Gums?
By prioritizing the health of your gums as well as your teeth, you can protect yourself against potentially serious oral health threats. The impact of gum disease that is not addressed can be serious. The tissue damage can rob you of support to keep your teeth secure, and that can lead to a greater risk […]
Taking Care Of Gingivitis
In addition to worrying about cavities, you should take the threat of gum disease seriously for the sake of your smile as well as your overall well-being. The trouble can start with gingivitis, but when an infection forms and is not addressed in time, it can worsen to create more severe consequences, including problems like […]
Looking For Signs Of Gum Disease
If you look at your smile and notice that a tooth is damaged, discolored, or in pain, you can have immediate concerns about your oral health. Unfortunately, not every problem is immediately noticeable. When a cavity first develops, you may not realize that something is wrong. With gum disease, you may not feel discomfort because […]
Dental Visits Help Keep Your Gums Healthy
Have you been overlooking an important part of your oral health? If you are not taking time to look for signs of poor gum health, you can miss the warning signs of a problem that can eventually turn into a serious threat. The good news is that your Rochester, MN dentist can provide welcome care […]
Issues That Negatively Affect Gum Health
If you want to protect yourself against problems that can impact your smile, make sure that you are taking care of your gums. Properly managing your periodontal health will help you avoid many issues over time, including problems with tooth loss, but you should remember that you are not the only person who can help […]