1801 Greenview Dr SW Suite 101, Rochester, MN 55902
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Rochester, MN Dentist Presents: Types of Ceramic Crowns

Dental crowns come in myriad of types; from metal to porcelain and ceramic, patients can choose any number of crown materials. However, as far as ceramic crowns go, four main types dominate the market: porcelain-fused-to-metal (or PFM), E-max, zirconia and all-ceramic. Here, Dr. Gilly Calcagno, your Rochester, MN dentist describes the different types of ceramic […]

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Rochester, MN Dentist Talks about Stained Teeth in Children

Children, just like adults, become susceptible to stained teethdue to environment, diet, and even certain medications. However, oftentimes, improving the appearance of those stains is quite simple. In this article, Dr. Gilly Calcagno, your Rochester, MN dentist discusses stained teeth amongst children. Causes for Discolored Teeth Amongst Kids As aforementioned, children can have stained teeth […]

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Rochester, MA Dentist Shares Headache Relief Foods

For patients who suffer from chronic headaches or migraines, relief never seems to come quickly enough. While over-the-counter pain relievers and rest is typically the go-to treatment method, sometimes eating certain foods proves just as effective to alleviate your discomfort. In today’s post, Dr. Gilly Calcagno, your Rochester, MA dentist explains which foods cure headaches […]

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Rochester, MN Pediatric Dentist: Top-Rated Baby Toothbrushes

Have you recently started brushing your baby’s teeth? Then this article may benefit you. After a baby’s first tooth erupts, dentists usually recommend that you brush their teeth with an infant toothbrush. These brushes have extra soft bristles that work perfectly for a baby’s mouth. However, finding the right brush may seem overwhelming due to […]

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Rochester MN Dentist Quizzes You on Teeth Whitening

Are you becoming fed up with having to hide your stained teeth behind your hand every time you smile? Do you want to regain your confidence and your self-esteem? If so, teeth whitening treatment could be just the solution you need? To learn more about teeth whitening, try your hand at the following quiz from […]

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Rochester MN Dentist Connects Headaches and Your Teeth

What do your teeth have to do with headaches? It would seem that the answer is nothing at all. However, if you have a teeth grinding habit, it could be the source of frequent headaches and even migraines. But how does teeth grinding have anything to do with headaches? To find out, read the information […]

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Rochester MN Dentist Tells What Causes a Broken Tooth

Do you think of teeth as being weak? As you see them win battles day after day against a variety of foods, you probably don’t. However, teeth can be broken, and they break most often after they have been weakened. But just how is a broken tooth sustained? To find out, consult the following list […]

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Rochester MN Children’s Dentist Explains the Importance of Fillings

Have you ever wondered whether baby teeth would need dental fillings if they were to develop cavities? It might seem as though a dental filling would be wasted on a tooth that is destined to fall out anyway. However, dental fillings are very important even in teeth with a limited lifespan. To find out why, […]

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Rochester Dentist Discusses Children’s Dentistry

Does your child suffer tooth sensitivity or chronic toothaches? If so, he/she may have a cavity. In the United States, children as young as two are developing tooth decay. In order to keep your little one’s smile free of decay, your child needs regular dental care. Thankfully, your Rochester dentist, Dr. Gilly Calcagno, offers quality […]

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Rochester MN Dentist Shares Tips for Dealing with Toothaches

A toothache doesn’t sound very bad until you develop one. Then, what seemed like a small and unimportant problem grows into something debilitating. What can make a toothache even worse is not knowing its cause or how to care for it, so your Rochester MN dentist, Dr. Calcagno, is sharing a few tips for dealing […]

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Dedicated Team

Our team members are proud of the work they’ve done to help community members feel great about their smiles and oral health! With our experience and commitment to positive patient interactions, we can make services feel more comfortable and help you maintain a healthy, confident smile!

Dedicated Team

Our team members are proud of the work they’ve done to help community members feel great about their smiles and oral health! With our experience and commitment to positive patient interactions, we can make services feel more comfortable and help you maintain a healthy, confident smile!

Comfortable Care

Whether you schedule a routine evaluation or treatment for an active oral health matter, you should feel supported in the dentist’s chair. With experience, technology, and a dependable team, Greenview Cosmetic And Family Dentistry can help you enjoy your experience with oral health care!

Comfortable Care

Whether you schedule a routine evaluation or treatment for an active oral health matter, you should feel supported in the dentist’s chair. With experience, technology, and a dependable team, Greenview Cosmetic And Family Dentistry can help you enjoy your experience with oral health care!