How much time and effort do you typically put into your oral hygiene efforts? Keeping up with your smile health by brushing and flossing will certainly be important. With that said, it is also important to stay consistent with dental hygiene by arranging professional dental cleanings. Our Rochester, MN dentist’s office provides consistent care for […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
How Flossing Protects Your Smile
A consistent routine to remove bacteria and food particles from your teeth can help you avoid the kinds of issues that lead to oral health difficulties. That routine is supported in part by your regular dental exams and cleanings, but you should also be thorough with your care at home. At our Rochester, MN dental […]
Routine Checkups And Periodontal Health
If you only concern yourself with the health of your teeth, you can overlook larger problems with your well-being. Fortunately, you can count on more than just feedback about your dental health during regular appointments, as our Rochester, MN dentist’s office provides comprehensive reviews. One matter of interest is your periodontal health. Preventing gum disease […]
Be Sure To Stay Current With Teeth Cleanings
Do you regularly make time for good oral hygiene? If so, you can dependably keep plaque and tartar buildup from forming and becoming a threat to your health and appearance. These daily behaviors are important for your oral health, but they are not the only kind of preventive care you should count on if you […]
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How Dental Visits Address Tartar Buildup
What does your fight to prevent tartar buildup include? It should involve both at-home care and regular dental visits if you want to successfully protect yourself against the accumulation of this substance. By caring for your teeth effectively at home, you are less likely to have plaque buildup remain for long enough to harden and […]
3 Tips For Better Cavity Prevention
What does it take to make sure your smile stays cavity-free? Broadly speaking, you should have a consistent daily routine for cleaning your teeth, make smart diet choices, and see your dentist for regular exams and cleanings. Of course, many people who feel they already do enough can find that they need a dental filling […]
The Positive Impact Of Dental Checkups
How often should you see your Rochester, MN dentist for a routine appointment? Dental checkups provide important updates about the current state of your smile as well as protection against problems that could affect you in the future. These visits include both dental cleanings and professional examinations. Exams provide feedback about your current oral health, […]
Smile Care Mistakes To Avoid
What you do to protect your smile each day will be important. In just a short time, oral bacteria and food debris can accumulate and form deposits of plaque, which can lead to the formation of tartar soon after. Even small missteps in your hygiene routine can make you vulnerable to issues like dental decay […]
The Protection Offered By Dental Checkups
You should protect your teeth and gums every day. Brushing and flossing, along with making good diet decisions, will help you preserve a smile that is attractive and healthy. As valuable as these habits are, they should be backed up by support in the form of your regular dental exams. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s […]
Problems That Flossing Can Help Prevent
There are several reasons to make sure you are effectively protecting your smile. In addition to keeping yourself safe against cavities, the right routine will help you avoid trouble with teeth stains, tartar buildup, and gum disease. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we can help you stay protected by providing important preventive services during […]