What are you currently doing to make sure you remain free of problems like tooth decay and gum disease? On a daily basis, you protect yourself by following good oral hygiene habits and keeping limits on your intake of sugary, starchy foods. On a semiannual basis, you should see your dentist for routine preventive services. […]
Category: Preventive Dentistry
Tips For Better At-Home Smile Care
The routine dental exams that you attend provide important protection against oral health threats. Part of this is because each visit includes a thorough teeth cleaning that deals with plaque and tartar buildup. With that said, these appointments also benefit you because your dentist can help you look for ways to improve your routine and […]
How Dental Exams Protect Your Gums
When you see your dentist for a routine checkup, more than just your teeth are evaluated. It is important that your gums also receive attention. With the right approach to preventive care, you can avoid problems with poor periodontal health that can seriously impact your overall well-being. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we provide […]
Are You Overdue For A Dental Checkup?
Your regular dental checkups play an important role when it comes to maintaining a healthy, attractive smile. Without access to professional preventive care, you lose out on early warnings about oral health problems, and you also miss out on the professional teeth cleanings that help you stay safe against future threats. Our Rochester, MN dentist’s […]
Dental Cleanings Remove Tartar Buildup
The work you put into your daily smile care routine can protect you in important ways. Effectively brushing and flossing will help you avoid difficulties with dental decay and gum disease, and they can help you preserve your overall appearance. Another benefit to your routine is that you are less likely to experience problems with […]
3 Reasons To Book Regular Teeth Cleanings
Brushing and flossing are important daily tasks. By keeping up with your hygiene routine, you can control plaque buildup, fight the formation of tartar, and prevent issues that require professional dental treatment to address. You should feel confident in your routine, but you should not treat it as an alternative to the dental cleanings provided […]
Avoid Issues With Dental Wear And Tear
When you think about protecting your teeth, you may focus on how you can protect your enamel from the kind of decay that can lead to cavities. This is certainly an important issue to guard against, but this is not the only physical threat that your teeth face! Gradual wear and tear over time can […]
Better Cavity Prevention Habits
Will cavity prevention become more difficult as you age? Can a change in your daily routine make you more vulnerable to problems with decay? How do your regular dental exams impact your risks for problems? It is good to question your efforts to protect your smile, but without the right information, those questions can just […]
Making Better Choices To Avoid Gingivitis
There are several choices you can make to control your risk for gingivitis. Your commitment to your oral hygiene routine is certainly important. Consistent and thorough care on a daily basis will help you control the buildup of bacteria that put you at risk for periodontal problems. You also protect yourself by scheduling regular dental […]
Long-Term Effects Of Poor Oral Health
Problems with your oral health can develop when you do not follow the right hygiene habits, and they can have more long-term consequences than you realize. For example, if you do not consistently see your dentist for preventive care, you can develop a cavity without realizing it, which can lead to problems with an infection […]