Is there anything you can do to both begin orthodontic treatment and ensure you can maintain your typical daily routine? Metal braces make some people uncomfortable, as they worry about how these appliances will affect activities like eating and maintaining their oral hygiene routines. These appliances can also be less appealing because of how they […]
A Treatment For Your Aching Tooth
If you have a toothache that continues to bother you, know that the problem could be more than just a distraction in your daily life. When pain persists, it could be because you are dealing with a severe cavity or physical injury, which means the condition of your tooth will worsen until something is done […]
Obstacles To Good Oral Hygiene
What can you do to make sure your teeth and gums remain healthy? Part of your support comes from your regular dental appointments. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we can provide guidance as well as in-office care that lowers your risk for problems with your teeth and gums. Between your appointments, make sure that […]
3 Warning Signs Of Oral Health Trouble
There are times when you can have oral health issues without obvious symptoms. The good news is that when this happens, you can learn about problems and have them addressed when you schedule regular dental exams. Our Rochester, MN dentist’s office can provide timely services when patients regularly see us for preventive services. We should […]
Keeping Up With Your Child’s Smile Care
Between teaching them to brush and floss, encouraging smart diet choices, and modeling your own good behaviors, you can help your kids protect their teeth and gums. As important as it is for you to do this, remember that you are not the only person who can help them! Our Rochester, MN dentist’s office welcomes […]
Dealing With A Loose Tooth Filling
If you have restorative dental work done to address a cavity or physical injury, you should walk away from treatment with confidence in the filling or crown used to protect your tooth. A dental filling is capable of providing long-term protection while only covering a small area of your tooth. As time passes, patients may […]
How Flossing Protects Your Smile
A consistent routine to remove bacteria and food particles from your teeth can help you avoid the kinds of issues that lead to oral health difficulties. That routine is supported in part by your regular dental exams and cleanings, but you should also be thorough with your care at home. At our Rochester, MN dental […]
Book A Consultation About Cosmetic Work
When you arrange cosmetic dental work, you make plans to fix issues that have made you self-conscious about your smile. Before you book a procedure, it can be helpful to know which one is the right one when it comes to targeting that flaws that you want to address. This is something our Rochester, MN […]
How Cavity Work Stays Discreet
If you have a cavity, you will experience permanent damage to your enamel. This can be an unfortunate reality, but it does not have to mean the permanent loss of confidence in your smile. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we can recommend restorative services that protect teeth affected by decay and also preserve the […]
Why People Show Interest In Veneers
What makes cosmetic dentistry appealing to patients? Many individuals have something they can point to that they do not love about their smiles. Even minor issues can draw unwanted attention and generally hurt the overall quality of your appearance, which is why even “small” flaws can be a source of concern. Fortunately, there is something […]