When you arrange cosmetic dental work, you make plans to fix issues that have made you self-conscious about your smile. Before you book a procedure, it can be helpful to know which one is the right one when it comes to targeting that flaws that you want to address. This is something our Rochester, MN […]
How Cavity Work Stays Discreet
If you have a cavity, you will experience permanent damage to your enamel. This can be an unfortunate reality, but it does not have to mean the permanent loss of confidence in your smile. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we can recommend restorative services that protect teeth affected by decay and also preserve the […]
Why People Show Interest In Veneers
What makes cosmetic dentistry appealing to patients? Many individuals have something they can point to that they do not love about their smiles. Even minor issues can draw unwanted attention and generally hurt the overall quality of your appearance, which is why even “small” flaws can be a source of concern. Fortunately, there is something […]
Smile Care Before Summer Ends
The summer can end before you know it, but there is still time for you to fit in dental visits for your family! This season can be a great time to book care, especially when it comes to setting up pediatric dental appointments. Our Rochester, MN dentist’s office is prepared to offer support to everyone […]
Routine Checkups And Periodontal Health
If you only concern yourself with the health of your teeth, you can overlook larger problems with your well-being. Fortunately, you can count on more than just feedback about your dental health during regular appointments, as our Rochester, MN dentist’s office provides comprehensive reviews. One matter of interest is your periodontal health. Preventing gum disease […]
How A Crown Matches A Healthy Tooth
If you need dental work, you should know that putting it off can lead to unwelcome consequences. In addition to prolonging discomfort, a delay in treatment can make you more likely to experience complications from an infected tooth, something that can result in its loss as well as the spread of bacteria to new areas. […]
Responding To A Chipped Tooth
Whether the damage is modest or significant, chipping a tooth can certainly be distressing. After all, when enamel is harmed, a tooth can remain unsightly, as the problem can remain unhealed. Fortunately, this is not a problem without a solution. Our Rochester, MN dentist’s office can actually talk to you about different strategies for resolving […]
Our Office Can Treat Stained Teeth
It can be difficult to completely avoid products that leave stains when you consume them. Because so many foods and drinks can affect the color of our teeth, many people will find themselves increasingly concerned about dental discoloration. Taking the problem on by yourself can result in frustration, as you can see a lack of […]
How Veneers Make Smile Changes Last
The immediate results of your cosmetic procedure can be easy to see, enjoy, and show off to others. What you may worry about is how long the improvements you see will last. At our Rochester, MN dentist’s office, we can recommend that you receive porcelain veneers in order to make enduring changes to the way […]
Aching Tooth? It Could Require A Root Canal
When a tooth feels sore or sensitive, should you be concerned that you have a problem with dental decay? Unfortunately, a problem that causes prolonged or serious discomfort can be affected by a severe cavity, something that requires a root canal procedure. The good news is that your Rochester, MN dentist can evaluate you and […]